Frequently Asked Questions
What are the term dates?
Where can I order Infinity Pre-School Uniform?
You can order uniform from My Clothing which includes polo shirts, jumpers, coats and more.
What do children need each day for Pre-School?
Our day at Pre-School involves having fun outdoors, come rain or shine, so we need to be prepared. Children bring a rucksack, with everything they need to enjoy their day.
Packed lunch with drink and a healthy snack for the morning
Water bottle containing only water to drink throughout the day
Spare clothes suitable for the weather (named if possible)
Waterproof coat
Wellies and waterproof trousers which can be left at Pre-School
Nappies and wipes if required
Shoes to wear inside if they arrive in wellies
How does my child settle into Pre-School?
We believe it is extremely important for children to settle into Pre-School well. To support this, we arrange a minimum of three settling sessions to introduce them to Infinity and help them feel comfortable.
These sessions will be arranged with you before your child starts and can be increased to support children who may need a little more time.
We ask that you stay with your child for the first settling session by spending time in our garden, whilst they explore and meet their new friends.
On arrival and at the end of your child's session, we will welcome you at the main entrance gate.